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Auster 64, 1952.

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Auster Instrument Panel 1952.

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Auster's and L-19 1952.

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Auster wreck, 1952.

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Auster wreck, 1952.

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Auster 582, 1953.

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Servicing Auster 582, 1953.

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1 Air OP Flight L-19 Formation, 1954.

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L-19 and Auster, 1954.

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L-19'S and hangar near Camp Petawawa, 1955.

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Blissville Airfield near Camp Gagetown, 1955.

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A group of Air OP Pilots are briefed on a mission during Exercise Morning Star, Gagetown NB, July 1956.

From left to right

Lt Bill Plypow,   Lt Tom Musgrave,   Lt R.G. Heitshu,   Maj Dave Fromow CO,   Capt Peter Tees.

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L-19 706, 1957.

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L-19 702 with Dale Saxon in background, circa 1959-1962.

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Peter Tees OC 1 AOP FLT Petawawa (left), circa 1959-1962.

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Peter Tees, receiving visual support from Capt Dale Saxon and Capt Al Doucet, Petawawa, circa 1959-1962.

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RCAF Caribou, Petawawa, circa 1959-1962.

That RCAF visit was the only time I remember them dropping in on us. Purpose unknown.

Dale Saxon

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The East - West runway at the Silver dart Airfield, Petawawa, 1961.

From what I remember, the two runways were 1100 (as seen), and 900 feet long.

Dale Saxon

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L-19s over Inspection of 4 RCHA by COMD 2 CIBG, 12 Apr 1962.

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Refuelling 732, International Soaring Competition, Hawkesbury Airport, Hawkesbury Ont, July 1967.

L to R

WO Mcneill, Maj Keith Lavender and two AC techs.

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L-19 702 Over Gagetown New Brunswick, 1972.

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Signing Over Last L-19's to Air Cadet League, Gagetown 1973.

L to R

Capt Reg McCann,   Capt Jack Lovell,  (Someone from the air cadet league),  BGen Radley-Walters,  LCol Jack Crosman.

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End of last gunnery mission for L-19's and Air OP Troop, July 1973.

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L-19 725, Caption on image reads: "North Pole to Camp Petawawa - Typical Duty! 1 AOP Flt".

Dale Saxon on the left.

Note: That was my flight! Dec 23 1960. The Santa was Gunner Foster H. A. from 1AOP Flt?? or 4RCHA??
OMG!! I was 28 years old!! Faint memory of the 1 hr ride... at 84!
I assume we just toured the base by air with Santa waving at the kids??

Dale Saxon

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L-19 A 701 Instruments.

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L-19 724.

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Petawawa Winter Landscape from the air.