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Maj GA (Gordon) Vandyke RCAC

29 Oct 38 –


Gordon Vandyke was born in Gillingham, Kent, UK 29 Oct 38, growing-up and spending all of his early years in London, England.

He joined the Royal Navy at 17.5 years of age and became a Naval Photographer. At the age of 19 he received his Commission in HM’s Armed Forces as a Naval Air Observer. He left the Royal Navy in 1960 and emigrated to Canada with his wife Adrienne, arriving in Jun of that year.

Gorden enlisted in the Canadian Army (Regular Force) Royal Canadian Armoured Corps (RCAC) as a Second Lieutenant (2Lt), completing his Armoured Officer training in spring 1961 at the RCAC School at Camp Borden ON. 2Lt Vandyke joined his new Regiment, the Royal Canadian Dragoons (RCD) in 1962 after taking one Armoured Recruit Troop through training at Borden.

Next came Canadian Army Pilot ab initio training at PFS RCAF Station Centralia ON in Feb 63, followed by the Advanced Tactical Flying (Wings) Course at the Army Aviation Tactical Training School (AATTS), CJATC Rivers MB, on the Cessna L-19 Birddog aircraft. Following completion of this demanding Course in Oct 63, he was awarded the coveted Canadian Army Flying Badge, fondly referred to as “The Blue Wing”. He then graduated as a basic helicopter pilot on the Hiller CH-112E helicopter at the Basic Helicopter Training Unit (BHTU), also located at Rivers, in Jan 64. Following this Course he attended the Rotary Wing Tactical Helicopter Pilot Course, again at AATTS, graduating in May 64. As a reward for all these Courses and resultant qualifications, he was sent to Camp Wainwright AB to fly during Summer Concentration 1964.

Following Concentration in Wainwright, he was posted to West Germany as a member of the “Fly Over” contingent of Army pilots for employment during the months of Aug and Sep 64 with the Fort Garry Horse (FGH) Recce Sqn in 4 CIBG.

Following are highlights of Gordon’s career, as given personally by him, after his period of employment with the FGH through to retirement from the Canadian Forces and ultimately final retirement from the work force on civilian street. Quote:

-I then did a second short tour with the Regiment (RCD) in Gagetown NB as the Assistant Adjutant. Was on Continuation Flying at the local Flying Club (Fredericton), renewing my acquaintance with the L-19 through the Brigade (3 CIBG) Artillery Regiment Air OP Flight.

-From Apr 66 to Aug 69, deployed to Germany with 8th Canadian Hussars (8CH) Recce Sqn. At about this time, got caught-up in Unification!

-Returned to Canada in Aug 69 and joined 403 Helicopter Operational Training Sqn (HOTS) in Camp Petawawa ON and later in Gagetown.

-In Nov 1973 I left Army flying and returned to the Naval Element flying Sea Kings for the Navy until Dec 75 when I left active flying and became an Operations Officer in Shearwater NS.

-I then went back to school part-time and obtained a degree in Psychology and Biology.

-In 1980 I reclassified to PSO. As a Research Officer at the Canadian Forces Personnel Applied Research Unit (CFPARU) in Toronto ON, my main area of focus was on officer entry with an emphasis on pilot selection and training. I actually represented Canada at a NATO conference on the subject, in London, England. I was the lowest rank in the room and had to present Canada’s position to a group of high-ranking officers and scientists.

-In 1982 I was posted to Halifax NS as a PSO, again ultimately opening the first Family Support Centre in Canada. I then completed a Master’s Degree in Applied Clinical Psychology, part-time.

-I retired from uniformed Service as a LCdr in 1989 and moved to the Halifax Military Hospital as the civilian Psychologist. After ten years in that position, I finally retired. Unquote.

As of Jan 2025, Godon has retired down east with his new partner Christa, his wife Adrienne having passed-away 19 years ago. He has two children and five grandchildren, beaten Cancer four times and considers himself still lucky enough to be in good health. Living in a Retirement Residence, he keeps busy as President of the Residents’ Council.